Authored by Clive Trott

The single view reports were designed primarily to be displayed on large screens. To set up the views to be displayed, you will need to access Power BI from the screen.


Chrome is the best browser for full screen display mode. You will need a browser extension installed to allow the browser to auto refresh the Power BI page. Below is a list of some of these if you do not have one installed already


Chrome: Simple Auto Refresh

Edge: Auto Refresh Plus


To get the page refreshing while the report is in Full Screen mode: 

  • Set the Power BI URL with the string ?chromeless=1 added to the end. Text added needs to be all lowercase.

  • Use the Auto Refresh extension to schedule a refresh interval.

  • Set your browser in Full Screen mode by pressing F11.

To rotate through a set of the single view reports you can use the Dashboard Rotator application from the Microsoft store. This application is used to rotate a series of Power BI reports/views at configurable intervals. Simply provide a list of report/view URLs and set the amount of time you want to display each report/view.